Sunday, April 29, 2012

extra credit:Truth, Lies, and Videotape

The “Truth, Lies, and Videotape” cluster’s presentation were grand demonstrations of the creativity in La Guardia. Each group personated their ideas in different and interesting visual forms. The first presentation on the casting of a reality show, showed in a comical way the stereotypical qualifications for a character on a reality show. Showing a character has a difficult past as a stripper, another character that is self-centered, and the finial character that self denies his addiction to drugs. The short film was a very passive way to portray stereotypes that are carried out on reality television.
                The next presentation was a power point on the liberation of Tibet by the country of China. The presentation attempted to shed light on the controversial issue of China’s occupation of Tibet. Although the power point had a lot of information that made it very interesting, the presenter seemed to be anxious and had a hard time narrating. This made the presentation difficult to understand, and drew attention away from it. The presentation that followed was a music video, starring a young man with an aimless search that finalizes when he finds his teddy bear. I enjoyed this music video because the visual affects made the video look very mysterious and dramatic. The end was also a comical surprise that lighten the mood of the video. The presentation that followed was that of a commercial advertising a health product. The health product was a miracle pill that would take away thoughts of stereotyping and racism. This demonstration was also done in a very comical way this made the product appealing. The last two presentations were videos on the meaning of love, and a short film on a girl’s search for employment. The love video was in a documentary form and showed a real married couple vision on love, as well as a child and a young girl’s views on love. The short film titled Umploymento displayed the struggle of a young woman to find a job. From applying to every retail store to an awkward interview, the film shows the reality in finding employment.
Each one of the demonstrations portrayed their message in unique ways, and any viewer would agree that with such short period of time the groups did a good job. These presentations have given me ideas for my own project and pointers on what I do not want to do myself.  Such as being able to dominate any anxiety that may come up in a presentation, as well as using comedy to engage the audience.

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